Skyler Hallinan


I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California advised by Xiang Ren. Previously, I did a B.S./M.S. in computer science at the University of Washington, where I was fortunate to work with Yejin Choi.

I do research in natural language processing. Broadly, my goal is to develop trustworthy artificial intelligence systems with robust reasoning capabilities. My approach is data-centric, focusing on three key areas: understanding how data impacts downstream model behavior, safeguarding user data and privacy, and advancing model capabilities with better data.

Email: shallina [at]

Links: [Google Scholar] [Twitter] [Github] [CV] [Research Statement] [Bio] [Semantic Scholar]

Publications are listed in reverse chronological order.
For the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of my publications, please see my Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar.




Honors & Awards

  • (2024) Anneberg PhD Fellowship
  • (2021) Outstanding Senior Award, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
  • (2021) Dean's Medal Nomination, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Washington
  • (2020) Levinson Emerging Scholars Award, University of Washington
  • (2019) Stratos-Stephen Endowed Scholar, University of Washington
  • (2019) Resarch Conference Travel Award, University of Washington
  • (2018) Robert B. Rodal Endowed Scholar, University of Washington

Teaching Experience

  • (Winter, 2023) Head TA @ CSE 573 (Graduate Artifical Intelligence) at University of Washington
  • (Winter, 2024) TA @ CSE 447/517 (Undergraduate/Graduate NLP) at University of Washington
  • (Spring, 2021 - Autumn 2023) TA @ CSE 473 (Undergraduate Artifical Intelligence) at University of Washington